May Weather in the United Kingdom: A Guide to Temperatures and Precipitation
Average Temperatures and Precipitation Levels
May in the United Kingdom generally has temperatures that range from cold to moderate, with precipitation levels ranging from moderate to high.
Average Temperatures for May
Average temperatures for May at cities and towns throughout the United Kingdom are listed below in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit:
- London: 13°C (55°F)
- Edinburgh: 11°C (52°F)
- Manchester: 12°C (54°F)
- Glasgow: 11°C (52°F)
- Cardiff: 12°C (54°F)
Precipitation Levels
May in the United Kingdom also sees moderate to high levels of precipitation. The average number of rainy days in May ranges from 10 to 15 days per month.
Get the Monthly Weather Forecast
For up-to-date weather forecasts and more detailed information, you can visit the Met Office website or check out the monthly weather forecast for specific cities and towns in the United Kingdom.